Top Kybella Treatment Areas for 2023

If you’re like most women, there’s some extra fat to be found that’s hanging around. Perhaps you’ve noticed it in your jawline or neck area and are clueless about where it came from – or when. Fat has a way of creeping in like a Ninja – and that’s where Kybella comes in.
Kybella is an injectable treatment that seeks and destroys fat cells. It is the only FDA-approved targeted fat destroyer on the market.
The following are the top Kybella treatment areas for 2023.
1. Kybella Armpit Fat
Armpit fat can be targeted and quite diminished with the use of Kybella armpit injections. If you struggle with stubborn bra fat that makes you look lumpy and bumpy underneath your favorite shirt, Kybella armpit fat injections are an excellent fit for you.
A few minutes is all it takes to complete the treatment, and before you know it, you’ll be out the door and on your way to a smoother, sexier look without having to be put under for liposuction procedures. Furthermore, there’s no downtime and a virtually painless process.
2. Kybella for Belly Fat
Kybella is one of the best options to target and remove unwanted belly fat. Excess fat in the stomach area has been shown to cause serious health implications such as heart attacks and stroke. So while ridding yourself of excess belly fat, you can inadvertently avoid future health complications due to excessive amounts of fat surrounding the trunk area as well.
Depending upon what area of the stomach the injections are to be administered, the product is injected into the skin quickly, repeatedly, and effectively to deliver the medication. The process is pretty quick, and there won’t be much pain because a numbing cream will be used. Kybella injections for belly fat are very safe.
3. Kybella For Double Chin
Have you found yourself struggling with fat under your chin area? Using kybella for double chin works wonders to eliminate saggy chin fat safely and effectively.
The injections are repeatedly placed into the jawline and neck area to deliver the injectable. The process is quick and mild, with numbing cream before the process begins. Healing is fast, and there isn’t really a need for downtime.
4. Kybella For Arm Fat
Most women accumulate a decent amount of underarm fat by their mid-thirties. That doesn’t mean you have to endure it, however. Just like kybella for armpit fat is a safe, alternative method to liposuction procedures, it is for fat on the backside of the arm.
The product is injected repeatedly into the affected areas, where the product will be injected. You may require numerous sessions depending on how much fat you are looking to target. Your provider will be able to help you develop a baseline up front and make any additional modifications throughout the duration of your treatment.
Melt Away That Unnecessary Fat With Aiken
No matter what treatment you need – or whether there are multiple treatments to be administered in various areas of the body – Aiken can help.
At Aiken, we strive to provide best-in-class care with respect for your needs, desires, and goals. We are your partner in cosmetic healthcare and want to be your one-stop shop for all your aesthetic needs.
Please feel free to give us a call, and one of our knowledgeable staff members will get you scheduled for a brief consultation and overview of the treatment. We look forward to hearing from you!